Note: Until recently Horizen was known as Zencash, ticker symbol (ZEN)
Although it functions more as a node than a staking crypto, it would be derelict to ignore Horizen. ZenCash. Quite possibly the “King” of the top 100 staking/node cryptocurrencies by market cap, Zencash offers a shocking annual return ranging between 20-40%.
One of the more user friendly nodes in the space, users can begin to stake rewards with as little as 42 Zen.
Given that users need to have some technical skills to set up a node and do more than just a wallet deposit, outsourcing to a node operator who will manage it for you is a great option. Currently, node operators charge about $10 per month or charge a flat percentage of the rewards of about 20%.
That said, 42 ZC provide a return of 2 Zen per month. So, the returns are quite stellar indeed.
Two vetted node operators offering the 2 different payment options are listed below. ABA has personally invested ZC with both to test the process with no issues to report.